• Students shall apply for programs and register through the system during the indicated registration period, regardless of the exam results. Students who re-sit final examinations, and who do not register or make changes in their choice of programs after the release of final GED results, will not be able to do so afterwards. HEAC will determine such student’s entitlement for a program after the release of second round results based on the last Competitive Score of the programs arranged by him/her. These students are advised to do the following:

- Students shall choose academic programs according to their wishes and their predicted results that reflect their real levels in school. 


- Students who re-sit final examinations will not be able to apply to programs requiring personal interviews, admission tests, or medical checks because deadlines of the mentioned admission procedures end before the release of re-sit examinations results.

- Students shall adhere to registration and change of program preferences deadlines, those who do not register or make changes in their choice of programs after the release of final GED results, will not be able to do so afterwards.